
ยินดีต้อนรับ สู่ Pall Swiss เว็บบอร์ดตัวใหม่

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Started by YO, September 30, 2005, 02:48:02 AM

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Good afternoon, pa pall , i visited your webside always,but i do not write to you. Could I apply for the membership with your homepage? Frist of all , I would like to say that your webside is very good and give me more khowleage about switzerland. I just back from there since 2 months by visiting my friend in zurich where is lovely city inculding many cities in swizerland .I feel love this country and my friend take care me very well ... sorry really , it can not type in thai version for my computer... takecare ... & cheer up for your benefit webside

**กระทู้นี้เป็นกระทู้เดิมหมายเลข 0882 ห้อง pallswiss (เผื่อใช้ในการค้นหา)**


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